Saturday, February 23, 2008

My First Published Piece is Online Now

I have been checking and checking and today my first online submission made it to “print”, so to speak. I am psyched and hungry for more. Check it out and let me know what you think.

Yesterdays Magazette

And thank you to Karen of Ann Arbor, Michigan who copped to being my 10,000 viewer at the original blog site, Second Edition at .mac. Thank you so much. And thank you all, dear readers. Though you don’t post much, I know you are out there and I am happy to “see” you day after day.

Also, many thanks to my husband Rob who supplies me with many of the photos you see every day there at Second Edition. He is a wonderful photographer and very generously endeavors to get shots of all sorts of things that strike my fancy.

1 comment:

~TigereyeSal~ said...

Ya done good, girl. You're no longer just writer and blogger; you're an author.
